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AXEL - Frequently Asked Questions
Administering Thin Clients with AxRM

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O1 - Administering Thin Clients with AxRM
O2 - How to to Upgrade a Thin Client Firmware?
O3 - Thin Clients and DHCP
O4 - The DNS Windows Cache
O5 - Tuning a Firewall for AxRM
O6 - Axel Thin Clients and OCS Inventory NG

T1 - AxRM V3: Installation Problem: SQLDMO.DLL
T2 - AxRM V3: Installation Problem with fraplus1.ocx and btnplus1.ocx
T3 - AxRM V3: AxRM Terminates After the Splash Screen
T4 - 'Old' Thin Clients can't be Administered
T5 - "Syntax Error or not XML DATA" When Running an Admin. Command

When running an administration command the message "Syntax error or not XML Data" is displayed

This could be due to an anti-virus software. (Now such utilities not only check files and memory but also parse network dataflow.).

Disable the anti-virus or only the network parser and try again.

If the problem remains, this could due to a router (who checks and reformat dataflow). In this case, the solution is to use the legacy administration protocol (RSH) instead of the default one (XML). 
Go to [Files]-[Preferences] and select the "General" tab. Set the "Administration Command Protocol(s)" to "RSH only".

T6 - Miscellaneous Issues with Remote Control
T7 - "Invalid Firmware" Error When the Thin Client Boots Up
T8 - AxRM V4: Error 27 is Displayed When Connecting to MySQL Server
T9 - Error "No XML Response" when downloading a Firmware

Other FAQ Pages: General - Windows TSE/RDS - Citrix XenApp/XenDesktop - AS/400 5250 - AxRM: Administration Utility